DIXON, IL – On Monday, United States President Joe Biden issued the largest one-day pardon action in the history of the country, commuting the sentences and pardoning more than 1500 convicted criminals. One of the individuals listed as having their sentence commuted was the infamous convicted felon and former Comptroller of the city of Dixon, Rita Crundwell. State Representative Bradley Fritts (R-Dixon) issued the following statement in response.
“To say I am outraged by the commutation of the sentence of Rita Crundwell is a great understatement, as Ms. Crundwell stole more than 50 million dollars from the good taxpaying citizens of the city of Dixon, violated the public’s trust, and used the stolen money to live a lavish lifestyle,” Rep. Fritts said. “After pardoning his own convicted felon son for crimes dating back more than ten years, President Biden doubled down on the corruption of his Presidency and lifted Crundwell’s house arrest. The people of Dixon were victimized by this woman, and she still owes money that she stole. This is an unacceptable commutation. This commutation comes just a short time after Crundwell was released from prison early without any notice being given to the city of Dixon of her release. This is a double slap in the face.”
Fritts says that some of the commutations offered by President Biden include the lifting of required restitution and that at the time of the release of the commutation list, it was unclear if Crundwell had been relieved of her responsibility to pay back the money she stole.
“At this time, I am unsure that Rita Crundwell is still required to pay back the money she still owes the citizens of Dixon, and that is also unacceptable,” Fritts said. “The people of my district and the citizens of Illinois deserve answers.”