Rep. Fritts’ E-News Updates – February 10, 2025

Hello everyone and happy Monday!

It has been a busy two weeks! Down in Springfield, I have been hard at work on common-sense legislation, speaking with advocates, and attending legislative session. 

Back home, my office hosted an incredible IPASS and ICASH event with great turnout. With such an overwhelming need for these services, we will be working to schedule another joint event sometime this year. Stay tuned for more information on that. 

As always, please feel free to reach out to my office if you have any comments, questions, or concerns!

Last week, the entire Illinois House Republican Caucus walked out of the legislative chamber in protest of politically motivated resolutions introduced by Illinois House Democrats. Illinois House Republicans finally had enough of the political theater in our state legislature. In a show of unity, we refused to waste time debating their ridiculous, politically motivated resolutions about federal issues.

Illinois House Democrats chose to waste time and taxpayer dollars scoring political soundbites. Perhaps the majority party is unaware, but our state is looking at a $3.2 billion budget deficit. Instead of focusing on policies to address that, Illinois Democrats chose to fearmonger and spread political propaganda.

They have zero solutions to address the cost of living crisis, public safety crisis, and budget crisis, all of which they have created, and instead worried about resolutions that do absolutely nothing. 

I, along with my Republican colleagues, remain committed to doing real work for our constituents while Democrats continue to play political games with Illinoisans who need results, not more empty rhetoric.

I am honored to be appointed to serve on these six committees for the 104th General Assembly:

  • Appropriations: Personnel & Pensions Committee
  • Energy and Environment Committee
  • Judiciary – Civil Committee
  • Labor and Commerce Committee
  • Transportation: Rail Systems, Roads, and Bridges Committee
  • Transportation: Vehicles and Safety Committee. 

These committees will allow me to continue fighting for better public policy to ensure fiscal responsibility, protect our communities, and support the hardworking men and women of Illinois.

We had an excellent turnout at our joint IPASS and ICASH event at the Sterling Public Library. Thank you to the representatives from the Treasurer’s Office and the Illinois Tollway for coming out to assist constituents!

Congratulations to the Autism Center of Illinois on your recent expansion! They provide excellent care to autistic individuals in our community. This expansion is much-needed to increase access to healthcare services in our region of Illinois. 

Last week, I spent a day touring multiple schools in Polo. I visited Polo Community High School, Aplington Middle School, and Centennial Elementary School. It was a pleasure to speak with students and staff about the work being done at these schools!

Congratulations to the Culver’s in Rock Falls on your reopening after remodeling! The Rock Falls Chamber and Sauk Valley Area Chamber of Commerce were both in attendance to welcome them back to the community.

Great night at the Morrison Chamber of Commerce annual meeting! The chamber gave us all updates and highlights from 2024. Thanks to the Morrison Chamber for putting on this event!

Attend a FREE Medicare seminar on February 11th from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM at the Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce, located at 601 W. 10th Street in Rock Falls. This event is hosted by Representatives Brad Fritts and Ryan Spain and facilitated by the Illinois Department on Aging. This Medicare 101 seminar will include information about who is eligible, coverage details, and how to get help with out-of-pocket expenses.

During my time touring the 74th District, I’ve heard from many constituents and organizations who want to support our local communities but don’t know where to start. To meet this need, I am proud to introduce my new ‘Community Calendar’ on my official state website! Here, residents can view upcoming community events in one streamlined location. 

To view the calendar, click here!

If you are interested in submitting a community event, please click here for instructions. 

Please note that as state ethics laws apply to this site, event restrictions apply. For-profit, political, or personal events will not be posted. Final decisions on which events are allowed are made at the discretion of the Office of Rep. Fritts.

Click here to visit my website. There you can contact my office, see what legislation I am working on, and more.

Click here to “like” me on Facebook for more frequent updates.

I will continue to update you via this e-newsletter to keep you up to date on my efforts to pass bills in Springfield and serve you in the district.

Talk to you soon,

State Representative Bradley J. Fritts

District 74