Rep. Fritts Responds to State of the State Address

SPRINGFIELD – Following today’s State of the State Address, State Representative Brad Fritts (R-Dixon) released the following statement: 

“Today, Governor Pritzker’s State of the State Address was nothing more than political theater filled with partisan rhetoric, empty promises, and a bizarre hyper-focus on national politics. We have plenty of issues to focus on here in Illinois first, such as our $425 million deficit and rampant crime. 

“Despite his smoke and mirror attempts at portraying our budget as balanced, it is anything but. While the rest of Illinois cuts back and tightens their belts to deal with inflation, the rising cost of living, and the growing tax burden, Governor Pritzker and Illinois Democrats refuse to reign in their spending habits. It’s long overdue for the majority party to start making budget cuts the same way hardworking Illinoisans have been forced to do for years. 

“Yet, what I find most reprehensible about the Governor’s remarks today was when he likened Republicans to Nazis. I, for one, am sick and tired of the same rhetoric, deceit, and blame that comes from the majority party in Illinois. The Governor wants to criticize what he refers to as an ‘authoritarian regime’. Perhaps the Governor has short-term memory loss, but I remember just a few years ago when he exercised authoritarian rule over Illinois during the COVID-19 pandemic under the guise of public health. What about the schools he forced to close, the children he forced to mask, and the hard-working men and women he left out to dry while he enjoyed the freedom of Wisconsin and Florida? This failed attempt to score political points on the current Presidential administration is nothing more than Governor Pritzker throwing stones from his own glass mansion. 

“The budget address today makes one thing abundantly clear: JB Pritzker is running for President. Illinoisans deserve a Governor who is committed to improving the lives of our everyday hardworking citizens rather than using our highest office to promote the political ambitions of an out-of-touch billionaire.” 

For more information about Representative Fritts, visit
