Rep. Fritts’ E-News Updates – February 24, 2025

Hello everyone. I hope you are all staying warm during this cold winter weather! However, I hope everyone will enjoy the nice break in temperature this week.

Last week, we were back in Springfield for legislative session. While there was no real action taken, we did hear from Governor Pritzker as he gave his yearly State of the State and Budget Address. 

Back home, my team and I have been hard at work planning a robust outreach schedule for the year ahead. Stay tuned for details on upcoming Rx drop-off drives, sharps drop-off drives, and more!

As always, please feel free to reach out to my office if you have any comments, questions, or concerns!

Governor Pritzker’s State of the State Address was nothing more than political theater filled with partisan rhetoric, empty promises, and a bizarre hyper-focus on national politics. We have plenty of issues to focus on here in Illinois first, such as our $425 million deficit and rampant crime. 

Despite his smoke and mirror attempts at portraying our budget as balanced, it is anything but. While the rest of Illinois cuts back and tightens their belts to deal with inflation, the rising cost of living, and the growing tax burden, Governor Pritzker and Illinois Democrats refuse to reign in their spending habits. It’s long overdue for the majority party to start making budget cuts the same way hardworking Illinoisans have been forced to do for years. 

Yet, what I find most reprehensible about the Governor’s remarks was when he likened Republicans to Nazis. I, for one, am sick and tired of the same rhetoric, deceit, and blame that comes from the majority party in Illinois. The Governor wants to criticize what he refers to as an ‘authoritarian regime’. Perhaps the Governor has short-term memory loss, but I remember just a few years ago when he exercised authoritarian rule over Illinois during the COVID-19 pandemic under the guise of public health. What about the schools he forced to close, the children he forced to mask, and the hard-working men and women he left out to dry while he enjoyed the freedom of Wisconsin and Florida? This failed attempt to score political points on the current Presidential administration is nothing more than Governor Pritzker throwing stones from his own glass mansion. 

The budget address today makes one thing abundantly clear: JB Pritzker is running for President. Illinoisans deserve a Governor who is committed to improving the lives of our everyday hardworking citizens rather than using our highest office to promote the political ambitions of an out-of-touch billionaire.

Watch my video reaction to this address here.

On February 12th, Former Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan was found guilty on multiple counts of conspiracy, bribery, and wire fraud. Justice was finally served for the people of Illinois who suffered for decades under the unethical rule of Former House Speaker Michael Madigan. This verdict is a stark reminder of what happens when corrupt, unethical behavior runs rampant in our state government. 

Unfortunately, the people of Illinois have become used to the pay-to-play corrupt system that has plagued our state government for years. My message to the people of Illinois is this: we are done playing games and submitting to the corrupt practices of the past. We do not have to accept years of corruption and mismanagement as the norm. We can, and will, demand better of those elected to serve the people of our state.

This guilty verdict has made me more determined than ever to deliver ethics reform to the people of our state. There are dozens of common-sense bills that have been filed by House Republicans, yet the majority party refuses to call any for a vote. In the wake of the guilty verdict of the patriarch of the Illinois Democratic party, it is finally time to pass ethics reform. My message to Speaker Chris Welch is clear: it’s time to call the bills. Illinois deserves better!

Congratulations to Sauk Valley CPR on becoming an investor with Discover Dixon! Sauk Valley CPR provides hands-on CPR training that saves lives in our community.

The Illinois Association of Park Districts welcomed State Senator Li Arellano, Jr and I to a legislative breakfast in Princeton. We learned more about the work IAPD does and what they need from us as their legislators. Thanks for having us!

We had a great turnout at our Medicare 101 information event in Rock Falls! Residents stopped by to learn more about the complexities of Medicare so they can make informed decisions about their coverage. Thank you to the experts from the Illinois Department on Aging’s Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) who came out to present at this event!

I toured Dixon High School and Reagan Middle School. They showed me some incredible new additions, including a tech zone and renovations to the wood and metal shops. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me and give me a tour of your schools!

During my time touring the 74th District, I’ve heard from many constituents and organizations who want to support our local communities but don’t know where to start. To meet this need, I am proud to introduce my new ‘Community Calendar’ on my official state website! Here, residents can view upcoming community events in one streamlined location. 

To view the calendar, click here!

If you are interested in submitting a community event, please click here for instructions. 

Please note that as state ethics laws apply to this site, event restrictions apply. For-profit, political, or personal events will not be posted. Final decisions on which events are allowed are made at the discretion of the Office of Rep. Fritts.

Click here to visit my website. There you can contact my office, see what legislation I am working on, and more.

Click here to “like” me on Facebook for more frequent updates.

I will continue to update you via this e-newsletter to keep you up to date on my efforts to pass bills in Springfield and serve you in the district.

Talk to you soon,

State Representative Bradley J. Fritts

District 74