How to Submit Events for Rep. Fritts’ Community Calendar

In order to have an event posted on Rep. Fritts’ Community Calendar, you must send the following information to Please put ‘Community Calendar’ in the subject line. 

Required Information: 

  • Date 
  • Time
  • Location Name and Address
  • Name of Organization
  • 1-2 sentences describing the event

All submissions must be sent in no later than 1 week prior to the event. Submissions sent after the deadline will not be accepted. Submissions with missing required information will not be accepted.

State ethics laws apply to this site as it is run using state resources. As such, the following event restrictions apply. 


  • Local Bodies of Government (i.e. cities and villages)
  • Government Agencies and Supporting Bodies (i.e. Local Department of Tourism, Police Department)
  • Chambers of Commerce 
  • Local Non-Profits

Not Allowed:

  • Non-Organizational Events
  • Political Events 
  • Business or For-Profit Events

All decisions on what events are allowed are made at the discretion of the Office of Rep. Fritts.