Flu Shot Clinic
Lee County Health Department 309 S. Galena Avenue Ste 100, Dixon, IL, United StatesFlu shot clinic hosted by the Lee County Health Department.
Flu shot clinic hosted by the Lee County Health Department.
Local businesses offer a safe and fun way to fill up your young one's candy buckets, and there's lots of tricks and treats for adults along the way too! There...
The Rock Falls Farmers Market is open every Wednesday & Saturday from 7-11 a.m. through October. Local vendors will be selling fresh produce, fruit, crafts, jewelry, baked goods, and more!
State Representative Bradley Fritts and House Minority Leader Tony McCombie are hosting an upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection Drive on Saturday, October 26th from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. It...
The Rock Falls Farmers Market is open every Wednesday & Saturday from 7-11 a.m. through October. Local vendors will be selling fresh produce, fruit, crafts, jewelry, baked goods, and more!
CommUNITY Tours are free tours through local businesses where you can learn, explore, and grow with local gems. The more tours you attend, the more chances you have to win...
The Christmas Walk celebrates our businesses and organizations as they transform our community into a Christmas wonderland with activities and magical memories for all ages. There will be a Love...
Join the Office of State Representative Brad Fritts for a joint IPASS and ICASH event. IPASS - IPASS representatives will be available to assist constituents with updating their old transponder...
Join the Office of Rep. Fritts for a joint IPASS and ICASH event on February 4th from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the Sterling Public Library, located at 102...
It's bingo night at the Mendota Moose Lodge. Doors open at 3:00. First game at 6:30. Visit our Facebook for Dinner Specials
Join in this FREE community seminar hosted by Representatives Brad Fritts and Ryan Spain, facilitated by the Illinois Department on Aging. This Medicare 101 seminar will include information about who...
Celebrate 2-1-1 day with $2.11 concrete mixers or cheese curds at Culvers in Rock Falls!