Mendota Moose Bingo Night
It's bingo night at the Mendota Moose Lodge. Doors open at 3:00. First game at 6:30. Visit our Facebook for Dinner Specials
It's bingo night at the Mendota Moose Lodge. Doors open at 3:00. First game at 6:30. Visit our Facebook for Dinner Specials
Electronics, Appliances, and Bulk Trash Drop-Off Event.
Come out and Dash with the Rochelle Chamber who will once again be hosting their St. Patty’s Day 5k. Funds raised will benefit chamber programs. Register here.
The Young Aspiring Professionals Group is for emerging leaders between the ages of 18-45. Join us for networking, food, and fun!
Job Seekers are encouraged to dress professionally and be ready to interview with employers.
Come connect with our team, local entrepreneurs, and business owners. Hosted by the Illinois Small Business Development Center at Sauk Valley Community College in the Riverview conference room.
Must be 18 to enter. Get your tickets here or at the Sauk Valley Bank. Hosted by the Rock Falls Chamber of Commerce.
Take free photos with the Easter Bunny. Cameras not provided and must be brought by participants.
Confidential support for family and friends of people with mental health conditions. This is a free event.